Disability Evaluation

Allied Health Solutions Medical Group
Family Medicine Physicians located in Inglewood, CA
If you’ve been hurt at work, or if you’ve developed a condition or disease that affects your daily life, there are disability-related resources that may help you. Many of these require a disability evaluation by an accredited Physician and the healthcare professionals at Allied Health Solutions, with an office in Inglewood, CA, can provide you with the medical examination as well as pairing you with other medical professionals as necessary. Book an appointment online, or call at our office today. It may be that you may require unemployment benefits and this recommendation will be made if you are determined to not be disabled. Our objectives are to determine if there are any life-threatening conditions demanding immediate treatment and if returning to work is safe for you and for your co-workers. We understand that job stress can lead to severe anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. We have specialists and strategic partners locally and out-of-area to assist with your recovery. There are jobs with exceedingly high physical demands which may trigger or precipitate back pain, neck strain, and joint dysfunction. We work with Providers that offer treatment at discounted rates for patients without health insurance and have limited incomes.
Disability Evaluation Q & A
What is a disability examination?
When you’ve suffered an injury or impairment for which some level of benefits are available, that disability or impairment is often confirmed by a Physician. The benefits could be paid by the government, such as for Social Security or workers’ compensation, or through private insurance, so there’s usually an investigative process for which a disability exam is a key component.
A disability examination may not end with your physician’s evaluation, however. often other specialists are involved. For example, if you’ve suffered a work-related injury, an occupational medicine specialist or occupational therapist’s assessment may be requested to determine how your injuries interfere with your work and what accommodations are needed if you are to return to work. Allied Health Solutions works with many other specialists in the Los Angeles area, so referrals are easy and, in some cases, close to our Allied Health Solutions.
What can I expect during a disability medical exam?
The individual requirements for a disability examination typically vary with the type of injury you’ve suffered as well as the agency requesting the exam. Specific tests and follow-ups may be requested in each case.
As your PCP or alternate PCP, our providers begin with recording your chief complaint, history and performing a physical exam and developing an assessment and treatment plan.
The Allied Health Provider may connect you with therapists or with specialists as needed in consideration of your diagnosis, such as seeing a psychiatrist or psychotherapist if you’re experiencing job stress. We may also refer you to an Orthopedist, Rheumatologist o
The requirements for the examining physician may change from case-to-case as well. For example, if Dr. Pierson is your Primary Care Physician, some agencies may request their own contracted doctor or an impartial third-party doctor. However, in many cases, using your Primary Care Physician is acceptable.
Does my doctor decide if I am disabled?
No, the Treating Physician is to offer facts related to your disability claim, supported by his observations, related test results, and other medical evidence. For a disability process such as for a claim for Social Security benefits, via the Employment Development Department of California (edd.ca.gov), it’s likely an exam with another consultative Physician will be ordered. It’s usually up to a claims examiner to make a decision on your disability claim, after reviewing all medical evidence related to your case.
Additional Information:
The State Employment Development Department (EDD) manages the Unemployment Insurance (UI) and State Disability Insurance (SDI) programs for the State of California. SDI also includes Disability Insurance (DI), Paid Family Leave (PFL) and Family Care Leave (FCL). Our clinic is adept at handling FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) documents and processing. We could also assist you with filing a Workers Compensation Claim or file for Unemployment if you do not qualify for/or have a need for State Disability benefits.
If you do not have health insurance, our staff could direct you to resources to apply for health insurance.
With having health insurance, the road to recovery becomes less arduous and we are better able to expedite your recovery so you could eventually return to work.
Allied Health Solutions Process:
Step 1: From the list below complete the General Patient Intake Form.
Step 2: From the list below complete the Disability Evaluation Form and provide detailed answers on the questionnaire. Complete the PHQ 9 and GAD 7 forms
Step 3: Review How to File a New Claim for State Disability Benefits
Step 4: Register and file a new claim with edd.ca.gov
Step 5: Provide our staff with Registration Number (R Number)
The State Disability- Patient Guidelines provide important information about our office process.
Patient Forms/Additional Resources:
Instructions to create Disability Insurance profile on EDD
Brochure - Medical Evaluation for Disability
Initial - New patients (Disability Evaluation)